Campaign collection

Campaign collection

To me, politics is more than just the elections—it's about communication and brand representation. Political campaigns offer a great platform to combine my love for linguistics and design, particularly at the local level. Graphic design plays an invaluable role in helping candidates or ballot measures build their reputation, express their beliefs, and earn trust from constituents. When done right illustrations, colors, typefaces, and layouts come together to help a campaign tell a story and really outline was the campaign or candidate are all about, the voters are better educated in their election choices. The power of political campaigns lies not only in politics but also in the creative elements that capture people's attention.

Blanca for School Board palm card

Alexis Lindberg for BCSD palm card

Sam Linnet for Hailey palm card

Juan Martínez for City Council palm card

The Committee to Elect Kaz Thea palm card

Toone for Representative GOTV mailer

Patti Lindberg flyer

Vote Yes for Schools campaign

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Layout collection